Fall Instructional League

  • Ages 13-14
  • Fall


We are excited to bring back what Cangelosi Baseball was founded on in 2005: our Fall Instructional League! This league is run by our Director of Youth Baseball, Aaron Airhart.

Fast-paced, machine pitch games are designed for continuous action. This means more ball in play action, less wear on arms and increase in speed of play. It also allows for fielders to react to live batters to sharpen their defensive skills. Batters will receive hitting instruction from the coaches.


Click here to register!


There are two options for this program: Saturday games only or Saturday games + Dome training on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The additional training during the week gives the athletes more time to grow!

Ages: 7th & 8th Grade

Saturday Game Location: Priory Park

Tuesday and Thursday Training Location: Bo Jackson’s Elite Sports Dome in Bensenville

Pricing: $495 for games only, $995 for games + training




Game Days: Saturdays, September 7th – October 12th (6 weeks)

Game Time: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Training Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays, August 27th – October 17th

Training Time: 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM