Bo Jackson's Elite Sports Best Practices


Effective Monday, August 30, Bo Jackson’s Elite Sports will require face masks/covering for players and guests while inside of the facility.

Players will be allowed to remove their masks during their workouts.

Disinfecting practices will continue.

Thank you for your continued patronage. Stay safe and healthy!

UPDATE: November 7th, 2020

Players & parents,

Bo Jackson’s Elite Sports is committed to being a part of the solution to slow the spread of COVID-19. Our expectation is that our guests and members will be as well.

We have established the following REQUIRED “Best Practices” for our facility.

  • One parent maximum per child – curbside drop-off strongly encouraged
  • Parents and siblings of athletes are asked to refrain from entering the facility unless absolutely necessary
  • Masks are mandatory for all patrons while inside the facility
  • Players must wear masks while entering/exiting the facility; however, they can remove them while on playing surfaces (cage, field, etc.)
  • Please follow social distancing measures clearly marked
  • If you forgot your mask, one will be provided by the front desk
  • Complimentary hand sanitizer available throughout the facility

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated

Thanks, and we hope to see you soon!

Bo Jackson’s Elite Sports

Air volume turnover inside dome

*Letter from The Farley Group (Dome manufacture) about the air movement inside the Bensenville facility: click here